Genital Aesthetics

Genital aesthetic covers the methods used to eliminate deformities and deformations in the genital area in women. Plastic surgery methods are used to achieve a more aesthetic appearance that is compatible with the body anatomy. Among these methods, the operations performed on the genital area are called genital aesthetics. Vaginal tightening, labiaplasty, hymenoplasty, clitoroplasty; are the most frequently applied genital aesthetic operations.

Deformities in the genital area can occur over time or be congenital. In such cases, individuals can benefit from genital aesthetics in order to achieve the desired appearance by applying to a plastic surgeon who is an expert in the field. Genital aesthetic applications, which also produce very effective results on sexual problems, are preferred by more and more people every day.

What is Genital Aesthetics?

The genital area is divided into internal and external genitalia. The external genitalia is also called the vulva. Plastic surgeries performed in different areas on the vulva are called genital aesthetics. In addition to surgeries, filling applications are also procedures within the scope of genital aesthetics.

Deformities and deformations in the genital area can cause negative effects on sexual life as well as cause individuals to experience psychological problems. Problems such as sexual reluctance, difficulty in having orgasm, loss of self-confidence may occur. Genital aesthetics makes it possible to eliminate deformations in this area that create a negative body image in people. It is possible to create a genital area that is suitable for the structure of the body and has an aesthetic appearance with the operations to be performed by a plastic surgeon who is an expert in his field.

What Does Genital Aesthetics Cover?

Genital area in women covers areas such as the inner and outer lips, the clitoris, the hymen, also known as the hymen, and the vagina. All operations performed on these areas are called genital aesthetics. Looking at the main applications:

  • vaginoplasty
  • labiaplasty
  • Hymenoplasty
  • clitoroplasty
  • G-shot
  • that shot
  • There are applications such as vaginal whitening.

How is Genital Aesthetics Performed?

Genital aesthetic applications can cover quite different procedures. For this reason, how the operation will be performed varies according to the application area and the surgical techniques to be applied. Patients are kept under local or general anesthesia. In this way, they do not feel pain or pain during the operation.