Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is an aesthetic procedure often preferred by people with extremely large breasts. This procedure, also known as “Reduction mammaplasty”, can be done both to make the body look more proportional and to eliminate medical problems that arise due to the larger breast.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgeries are one of the most preferred aesthetic procedures today. Breasts that are larger than normal can cause both shoulders, hips, and chest areas to look unbalanced, as well as complaints such as excessive sweating, rash and pain. At this point, it is possible to reduce the breasts with surgical intervention and completely eliminate the complaints caused by large breasts.

In Which Situations Is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

Breast reduction surgeries;

  • When the weight of the breasts causes pain in the neck, back and shoulder area
  • Especially in summer, when there is excessive sweating or rash problem in the folded skin area
  • When physical movement is restricted due to breast size
  • It can be preferred when breast fullness causes excessive pressure on the shoulder area of ​​the bra strap.

In addition to these, breast aesthetics can be performed for purely aesthetic purposes. If the person is uncomfortable with their large breasts, if they want a smaller breast appearance, pain, rash, etc. Although there are no complaints, breast reduction can be done.

At What Age Is Breast Reduction Done?

For breast reduction surgeries, it is generally preferred that the physical development of the patients is completed. For this reason, breast aesthetics can be performed on all patients over the age of 20. However, breastfeeding may be restricted after aesthetic application. Therefore, before the operation, it should be evaluated whether the patient is considering pregnancy. Similarly, in order to minimize the risks that may arise due to surgery, first of all, the physiological condition of the patient should be examined in detail; Accordingly, a surgical plan should be made.

Is It Possible to Breastfeed After Breast Reduction Surgery?

It is possible to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery. However, this depends on the preferred surgical technique. If it is necessary to remove too much of the mammary glands in the breast, breastfeeding function may be adversely affected. On the other hand, unfortunately, breastfeeding function will not be possible in surgical techniques where the breast is excessively sagged and therefore the nipple is moved as a patch (graft).

What is the Recovery Process After Breast Reduction Surgery?

After breast reduction surgery, our patients usually stay in the hospital for 1-2 days. It is recommended to rest at home for about 1 week. In this process, it may be risky for the patient to work and return to his daily life immediately. For this reason, it is also important to avoid heavy movements until the stitches are removed and the area begins to heal.

One of the things to be considered after the operation is the use of special bras. In order for the breasts to be shaped in a healthy way, it is preferred to use sports bras that apply pressure to the area.

After about 1 month, our patients can completely return to their daily lives and exercise their bodies with light exercises. In this process, regular doctor checks are made and whether the tissues heal properly or not is followed.

Is There Any Scar After Breast Reduction Surgery?

As after all surgical operations, some scars remain in the area after breast reduction. However, this trace fades over time and becomes vague. As long as it is performed by specialist and experienced doctors, the risk of complications is very low. The scars are significantly reduced after about 6 months and are not noticed unless carefully looked at.