Luxurious looking "under the stairs" botox application centers threaten health
Luxurious looking "under the stairs" botox application centers threaten health
President of the Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association, Prof. Dr. Cenk Demirdover warned that some flashy botox centers give the impression of serious health institutions and that one should be careful about the services to be received from these centers.
Demirdover, faculty member of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, made statements to the AA reporter about the health problems that may be caused by aesthetic applications performed by incompetent people and unhealthy products.
Emphasizing that they are fighting against people who perform aesthetic applications with fake certificates, organize illegal medical aesthetic courses and unlicensed centers even though they are not doctors, Demirdöver said that they also encounter doctors who introduce themselves as "aesthetic-plastic surgeons" despite their different areas of expertise.
Stating that despite all the struggle of the Ministry of Health, associations and experts, such "under-the-counter" aesthetic applications continue in Turkey, Demirdöver said, "The most important thing that people prioritize in aesthetic applications is generally the cost, they try to focus on the cheaper it is. The centers we call 'under-the-counter' "They use this and put human health in the background with the ambition of making more profit." he said.
"Don't be fooled by flashy, upscale centers"
Stating that they complain to more than 100 such centers a year and start a legal struggle, Demirdöver made the following evaluations:
"The centers we call under-the-counter are not actually run-down, bad-looking places. They are very luxurious and flashy places in appearance. They deceive people in this way and give the impression that they are a serious health institution. But the main thing is not the physical space but the medical practice aspect. Unfortunately, it is usually the person who performs the aesthetic application." people have no training or competence.
People should not be fooled by such ostentatious centers, and first of all, they should question whether the person they receive service from is a competent specialist in this field, such as a plastic reconstructor, plastic surgeon or dermatologist, and even their diploma when necessary."

"The wrong laser can lead to skin burns, the wrong filling can lead to blindness"
Prof. Dr. Demirdöver explained that the most common filling, botox, youth vaccine, mesotherapy and device-assisted laser applications are performed in such centers and said:
"We encounter serious skin burns in patients due to incorrect laser applications. Botox applied to the wrong points causes droopy eyelids. Filling is not an innocent application at all. When the areas where the vascular network intersects with each other without knowing it, the filling can get into the vein, causing blackening in that area. "The worst thing is that conditions such as blindness and serious tissue loss may occur, and unfortunately there is no compensation for these."

"Filling is brought in the form of liter raw material"
Pointing out that there are also filler and botox products that come to Turkey illegally, Demirdöver said, "Filler and botox products, which have come to our country illegally and are often fake, can be used in facial aesthetic applications. These products, which are bought because they are cheaper, can cause very serious allergies, side effects and complications."
Stating that the smuggled botox product, which is sold under the name of "Iranian botox" and is not even produced in Iran, causes "anaphylaxis" (allergic shock) in some patients, Demirdöver shared the following information:
"Human life cannot be risked just for low cost and high profit. There are three licensed botox brands in Turkey, and there are hundreds of brands in fillers. However, fillers are brought in the form of liter raw materials. This type of products are sold illegally mostly in Iran and Far East. It is brought from Eastern countries.
"Human lives cannot be risked just for low costs and high profits. There are three botox brands licensed in Turkey, and there are hundreds of brands in fillers. But despite this, filler is brought in the form of liter raw materials. Such products are mostly brought from Iran and Far Eastern countries illegally.

"People should be aware of these dangers and question the actions they take."
Prof. Dr. Demirdöver said, "People need to realize these health hazards and question the procedures they have performed. It is very important for them to pay attention to whether the person performing the procedure is really competent in this field and what product he uses." he warned.
Sharing the opinion that a strict legal sanction mechanism should be established against incompetent people and centers, Demirdöver emphasized that such practices that threaten human health can be prevented with deterrent penalties.

"Facial aesthetics" course was organized for assistant physicians
On the other hand, the 16th Rhinoplasty and Facial Aesthetics Course, theoretical and practical on cadavers, was organized by the association at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine.
The Board Member of the Association responsible for scientific affairs is Prof. Dr. In his statement, Ersoy Konaş said that they aim to raise the education of Turkish plastic surgeons, specialists and assistants to a higher level and provide better quality service with the courses.
Konaş said, "Our assistant physicians who attend our course receive training to improve their surgical techniques on cadavers. 40 of our instructors who are experts in their fields provide these trainings one-on-one. These courses are planned with the highest level of scientific competence." said.