Pay attention to aesthetic applications under the stairs! 'It should only be done by experts'
Pay attention to aesthetic applications under the stairs! 'It should only be done by experts'
Providing information about aesthetic and plastic surgery practices, President of the Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association, Prof. Dr. Cenk Demirdover said that if sufficient information is provided about plastic surgery and applications, the demand for under-the-counter applications will decrease.
Many people in society do not have accurate and sufficient information about aesthetic and plastic surgery practices. Therefore, the possibility of being harmed and victimized increases.
Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association President Prof. Dr. Cenk Demirdöver says that if sufficient information is provided about plastic surgery and its applications, the demand for under-the-counter applications may decrease and thus grievances can be prevented.
Stating that it is quite wrong to think that the specialty of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery is only based on beautification, Prof. Dr. Cenk Demirdöver said that plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery specialists are responsible for the correction of congenital anomalies such as cleft lip and cleft palate, suturing severed fingers and limbs with microsurgical methods, surgical removal of skin tumors, repair of tissue losses in the body due to trauma, tissue regeneration He said that he has signed applications that increase the quality of life and enable them to regain their lost functions from time to time.

Stating that the perception that people who are only obsessed with beauty demand plastic surgery is completely wrong, Prof. Dr. Cenk Demirdöver made the following statements in his statement:
“Plastic surgeons, of course, help their patients look better with procedures such as face lifts, eyelid lifts and fillers, and botox. However, for example, after removing a tumor on the face or neck or by reconstructing defects caused by severe trauma, they also make their patients look much better and happier.
Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery specialists aim to achieve aesthetic results with the best function. In a rhinoplasty surgery, it is indispensable for the patient to look much better and to increase the quality of life by breathing better.
In addition, the repair of congenital defects such as prominent ears and cleft lip and palate are practices that improve the quality of life of patients, make them happy and at the same time make them look more beautiful.”
“Aesthetic procedures are not only performed by the rich or famous.”
Perhaps the biggest misconception about plastic surgery is that only famous and rich people undergo plastic surgery and procedures. If this perception were true, that is, if plastic surgery only served a limited number of famous and rich people in the world and in our country, the fastest and most developing branch of surgical medicine would not be Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Anyone in need can receive the necessary service by reaching a plastic surgery specialist suitable for their financial and social conditions.

Stating that there are many trained plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons in Turkey, Prof. Dr. Demirdöver stated that many patients from abroad prefer surgeons in Turkey.
“Men's interest in aesthetic applications is increasing.”
Prof. said that one of the misconceptions about plastic surgery is the idea that only women request plastic surgery. Dr. Demirdover said, “With the influence of developing technology in plastic surgery, men are as interested in plastic surgery as women. "A more beautiful nose, more prominent jaw lines, hair transplantation, botox, fillers and laser applications are among the most frequently requested procedures by men." he used his words.
"It should be done by plastic surgeons, not just any specialist"
Prof. said that one of the misunderstood issues in society is that these applications create an artificial appearance. Dr. Demirdöver said, "However, successful aesthetic applications and surgical interventions enable people to have a natural and beautiful appearance without it being obvious that the intervention has been made. If a person looks as if he has undergone plastic surgery or an aesthetic application, it is possible to say that this is the result of an unsuccessful procedure. The most common of all these misunderstandings is "The important reason is the lack of knowledge in the society that plastic surgeries should only be performed by specialists." he said.
Emphasizing that plastic surgeries should only be performed by competent experts, Prof. Dr. Demirdover: "Aesthetic surgeries should be performed by "Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery" specialists, not any specialist." said.
Demand for plastic surgery and applications has increased all over the world
Prof. also included the survey conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) in his statement. Dr. Demirdover said that the survey results show that the demand for plastic surgery and applications is increasing.
In line with the survey data;
The top 5 most preferred plastic surgery procedures in 2021-2022 are; liposuction, face lift, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, breast lift.

In non-surgical aesthetic applications, botox, fillers, non-surgical fat reduction methods (radiofrequency and similar), non-surgical skin tightening and skin care treatments were the most demanded procedures.

Preferred aesthetic procedures also differ according to age ranges. When participants under the age of 30, aged 31-45 and over the age of 45 were asked which cosmetic procedures they requested; "Patients in the 31-45 age group mostly preferred tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift, breast augmentation and cheek prostheses. On the other hand, those under the age of 30 requested lip fillers the most, while patients over the age of 45 mostly preferred facelift and eyelid surgery.